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Messages - v6v

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General Discussion / Re: SubLists for Graphics and Framesets
« on: 2012-10-30, 10:23:41 PM »
Minor Bug!

Click the About button and close the about window twice.

Projects / Re: Project Paradigm
« on: 2012-10-29, 08:49:37 PM »

Some art?

I realize that I'll divide things into multiple game modes.

Adventure mode will prove to be the most taxing on the server because that's the mode that handles multiple maps simultanously.

For most of the other game modes, I'll try and contain things on the same map.

So Adventure Mode will be the last mode I'll work on.

For now I'll start on a Lobby Mode. One map that displays all of the users waiting in a Purgatory-Like Map.

With the exception of Adventure Mode, I've decided to make most online game modes constrain all users to the same map.

Thanks for reading!

General Discussion / Re: SubLists for Graphics and Framesets
« on: 2012-10-29, 06:13:48 PM »
In my honest opinion I think you should keep it.

But offer a disclaimer.

Because once it's done, it can't be undone.

General Discussion / Re: SubLists for Graphics and Framesets
« on: 2012-10-29, 02:21:44 PM »
If a folder is created with the same name of an existing graphics sheet the graphics sheet becomes a subdirectory of the graphic sheet and the graphic sheet itself becomes a directory.

Not a serious issue (Not even an issue at all) It actually allows for the creation of subdirectories within directories.

General Discussion / Re: SubLists for Graphics and Framesets
« on: 2012-10-28, 03:53:28 PM »
I happened to find everything without any issue. The directories run fine.

This is definitely worthy of a new SGDK2 version.

It runs fine for me. Thank you bluemonkmn. This really helps development!!

Continuing on now..

EDIT: Should the Clickonce installer feature this?

General Discussion / Re: SubLists for Graphics and Framesets
« on: 2012-10-25, 02:04:06 PM »
The first option only being a minor setback as I'd have to include the directory name in all custom implementations of GetTextureRef()

That's the only bad thing I can honestly think of.

Keep them globally unique. *This is only my opinion*

Because it would keep things incredibly simple.

For my needs I only need a structure of organization that's mainly just visual; the ability to condense and expand subdirectories of game objects is all I really need.

(Plus it would be less work for you and I because you'd have to change all of the base objects and I would have to change all of the plans XD)

In Order (This is the final list I've settled on):

Graphic Sheets


Custom Code Objects

Sprite Definitions


Maps (Optional, I already categorize maps by adding an A and B to the beginning of their name, because I have 2 kinds of maps)


General Discussion / Re: SubLists for Graphics and Framesets
« on: 2012-10-23, 10:31:16 AM »
Thank you bluemonkmn.  ;D I'll try and report any serious issues I have with limitations in SGDK2 from this point on.

The college I'm at right now has computers with more Ram, 64bit Windows Installations.

I might have to start developing on those (They're much faster by the way)

General Discussion / Re: SubLists for Graphics and Framesets
« on: 2012-10-22, 07:07:44 PM »
But it is possible to create an organized structure for objects such as Sprites, Graphic Sheets, and Frame Sets, right?

Video Memory shouldn't be much of an issue for me. I don't load many images and I explicitly manage the unloading of textures on Map Changes.

General Discussion / Re: SubLists for Graphics and Framesets
« on: 2012-10-22, 08:30:31 AM »
Don't tell me that SGDK2 loads every graphic into memory, even the ones that I'm NOT currently using...

I don't load many graphics in my game at any given time, BUT I DO have a large amount of graphics (113 I believe) and as a matter of fact, I believed that that was the reason why I kept reaching "OutOfMemory" Exceptions whenever building my project (UNTIL I removed a large amoung of large Mp3 and Wav files and some Large Maps)

That's the only limit I've ever reached. And ever since I've cleaned my game from 60MB to 30MB I haven't ran into the limit again.

It's well under 200 sheets but each sheet is well above 160 by 160 pixels.

But again, I don't load many graphics at one time and I properly dispose of graphics that I load myself (2048 x 2048 For skydome texturing, etc)

How will graphics that I'm not currently using affect video memory?


Ohey I ran into a System.OutOfMemoryException.

But I've noticed that it only happens if I have a few things loaded within the SGDK2 IDE, such as the Map editor, Sprite Editor, etc...

I'll have to close all of the windows in SGDK2 before I compile.

General Discussion / Re: SubLists for Graphics and Framesets
« on: 2012-10-21, 06:16:24 PM »
But when I expand the graphics sheets directory, all of the sheets would expand, regardless of how I named them.

I need a solution that would allow me to create folders under the GraphicsSheet and Frameset or Sprite folders.

This is more of an issue within the IDE. I need things to be organized within the IDE.

Sorry if I'm misunderstanding you.

General Discussion / Re: SubLists for Graphics and Framesets
« on: 2012-10-21, 02:46:58 PM »
Since SGDK2 Projects use an XML Structure, wouldn't it just be creating new categories for graphics to fall under?

It might call for a new version of SGDK2 and perhaps a converter for old projects...

I'm in desperate need of this. There are too many graphics and framesets everywhere. Maybe even an extension for sprites so I can categorize those too in the directory.

General Discussion / SubLists for Graphics and Framesets
« on: 2012-10-19, 01:08:58 AM »
Would it be a burden to ask:

If SGDK2 could feature sublists for managing Graphics and Framesets? Instead of all Graphics and Framesets falling under "Graphic Sheets" and "Framesets"?

That way I could create a category under Graphics Sheets called "Car Graphics"

Create all Graphic sheets of a certain type inside of it

And collapse/expand it whenever necessary without having to collapse the Graphics Sheets listing?

It helps things become organized when you have a a large amount of graphics.

News and Announcements / Re: ClickOnce Deployment Available
« on: 2012-09-29, 03:41:06 PM »
What made you switch to ClickOnce deployment, might I ask?

I've installed everything, no problem. I'm just curious about the benefits of ClickOnce.

Projects / Re: Project Paradigm
« on: 2012-09-14, 12:56:51 PM »
I guess I worded that wrong. I plan on having more than 250 sprites on a server, not all on the screen at once. These sprites aren't going to be users. Some will be user sprites, but others will be other significant sprites such as NPC's enemies, etc. (This is actually one of the things I hated about most 2D ORPG's. They had so many players on the screen that it was impossible to distinguish your own sprite, or even read any chat messages)

I'm starting out with a 32 player connection limit per server. That's the default connection limit for the Skulltag game engine, even Doom. I highly doubt servers are going to reach 32 players before someone attempts to host their own, because even Doom and Skulltag engines begin to lag at around 20 players (Which usually happens in games that allow you to host your own server)

But that's the beauty in allowing users to host their own servers. Instead of having a string of dedicated servers, from the start of developing this game, I knew that this would be impossible for me. I'm hoping that a large group of smaller servers could work much better. Most servers will probably start lagging at around 16-20 players. So having more servers by allowing any player with a port forwarded connection to host and allowing the hosts of those servers to moderate through kicks and bans is probably best. (The only real centralized server I plan on having is a simple MasterServer that shows all other servers that are online)

The clients only receive updates about other clients on the map. If things get worse, I'll look into limiting it to only sprites within certain pixels of other sprites.

Also, it's highly unlikely that you will be able to have hundreds or even dozens of real-time, persistent connections into one server at a time.  Even large scale MMOs try to keep the load on any one server down, and unless you have your own rack of dedicated servers with a high-density connection to the Internet backbone, the server would probably lag immensely or perhaps just melt into a sad puddle of silicon and wires on the floor.

Can you go further with this?

EDIT: I'm not quite understanding how the InputBits works. Can I only get it? Or can I also set it? I want to serialize an integer casted InputBits and then set it on the client's sprite by having the client cast it back to InputBits.

Then again I can't just explicitly cast an integer to InputBits. Agh please, don't let this be an impasse...

EDIT: I asked the previous question wrong. How exactly does the enumeration handle multiple key-presses?
I see that inputs (the enumeration) has a value for each keypress, but what if I'm pressing 2 or more inputs at once? Will explicitly integer casted data for that frame hold both keypresses? If I cast it back with (InputBits)castedData; will it hold both keypresses? And can I set inputs on a SpriteBase instance? Or is the input enum only used for retrieval?

EDIT: I see how it works, I think. SetInputState and IsInputPressed demonstrate it. It looks like my extremely and unnecessarily complicated way of doing it before can be scrapped now.

I'm anxious to see how far I can get with this.

Oh and hey look what I found: *cough*

Guess I should ask questions about things that I won't decide to finish later.

Projects / Re: Project Paradigm
« on: 2012-09-14, 01:40:04 AM »
Working through this now and (destroying my old Lidgren.cs and NetController.cs classes entirely to re-write things in a much more efficient format)

You said I could send 250 whole serialized sprites per second. (Thank God I'm only sending serialized sprite data as a single one frame update every 10 seconds because I'm definitely planning on having more than 250 players + NPC's and entity sprites combined)

With that being said I guess I'll have to send updates every 10 seconds relative to the clients on a certain map, but not at the same time as I'm sending updates to another map. Since I'm not serializing SpriteBase (at 100 bytes an instance), and my new SaveUnit class won't be too large because it only stores important properties, I can make this work.

I'm going to use this thread to sort of just devlog and publish my silent achievements and thoughts. The following comments wont be important unless they're a question (I don't think I'll have any for a while) so happy reading I guess...  :P

TODO in the far future: (Create ProjectileSprite.cs to handle projectiles)

Might as well document this just so I remember

When the sprite is attempting to use an item it has, or equip armor it has, it sends the request to the server. If the sanity check ran on the server says that this is possible, it uses the item or equips the armor on all instances of that player's sprite for all clients including the server. Like other methods dealing with items, the data sent from the clients and server is reliably sent.

I might be forced to stick with ASCII for the chat messages... It's no big issue at all though.
(its kind of inconsiderate to those who don't chat with english, but maybe I can just have the server decide the language of whatever's going on and the clients determine which font to use according to that. and maybe I'll replace characters not used often with grave and acute accents)

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