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Topics - Scarecrow(sXs)

Pages: [1]
Projects / starwars game in the making!
« on: 2007-04-03, 05:55:45 PM »
 ???Has anyone else been waiting for them to make a game based on the original starwars trillogy? I got hella pissed when i found out they made the original trillogy into a starwars "lego" gender. >:( So now im on a mission to create a game that will give justice to the most awsome trillogy-(as it deserves). STARWARS:A New Hope will let the player re-inact moments from the movie-such as luke, Han, Obi-Wan, and Leia escaping from the dreaded Death Star.(I've mostly got this level finished)Description:You play Han Solo in this mission to try and rescue the princess from imprisonment. Your accompanied by Chewbacca who protects and attacks. I've tried to make 3-D characters-so it might be hard to control them using the Rotating Keys-but will add for more skill and precision. I've used real character images for the Dialogue scenes,and also used my microphone to record actual sound effects and music right from the movies!(How authentic can u get?) :'( Note: graphics are outstanding considering i used 320X240(which is better for less memory and quicker Gameplay)

Help/FAQ / How do i upload my games?
« on: 2006-10-09, 10:01:33 AM »
I make cool games...but don't know how 2 upload?
Any info willl be great!

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