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Topics - Tanja

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Help, Errors, FAQ / Force Feedback
« on: 2008-07-18, 05:25:41 AM »
is it possible to use force feedback in sgdk2-games?

Off-Topic / Art and games
« on: 2008-04-26, 11:32:23 AM »
Look at the site of "Mr. Ministeck":
it seems ministeck is a toy only available in germany. it had a hype at the 80ies, i think.

i like the works of Jon Haddock, scroll down to see his "screenshots":

not so much game-related, but seriously crazy:

Game Development Artistry / Seamless Tilesets Tutorial
« on: 2008-04-19, 04:50:16 AM »
i wrote a tutorial (it is in english). please read it and give me feedback about understandability and mistakes in spelling etc.

Game Development Artistry / Walk Cycles
« on: 2008-04-16, 02:50:24 PM »

Help, Errors, FAQ / Custom Messages
« on: 2008-04-04, 11:46:04 AM »
i played around with it now. there are some things i don't understand. (i use the latest version now)

what does that mean?
Map the input from the specified player (1-4) to the specified sprite only if no messages are waiting on the player for dismissal.

are there some buttons i can use to close the actually displayed message? (dismiss = close?). i've read about dismiss buttons in the souce code, i have no clue how to activate them, if this is necessary.
i wrote some rules which allow the player to touch a sprite, and if pressed a special key, to open and close a message of that sprite.
now i am seeking for a good way to don't map input to the player as long a message is open.

Help, Errors, FAQ / making sprites talk a lot
« on: 2008-03-27, 04:33:47 AM »
let's say i would want to make a game, where is a village with some sprites. the player can talk to them.
i am not quite sure if i should put all message strings into the single sprites, or store them at another place. there could be one place for all common sentences, which all sprites say. and for every sprite a separate place, like a txt file. or maybe i could collect all sentences in one place, like:

--- start Common Sayings ---
1. Who are you?
2. Wanna come to my party?
--- end Common Sayings ---

--- start Old Man 1---
1. hello
2. hi
--- end Old Man 1 ----

--- start Young Woman 1 ---
1. hi there!
2. get lost!
--- end Young Woman 1 ---

what's more, i would like to have some sprites asking the player questions, and multiple choice answers. how would you realize that?

General Discussion / Harvest Moon Clone
« on: 2008-03-20, 12:34:33 PM »
hi guys,
the last days i thought about if it would be possible to do a harvest moon clone. do you know this game? here are some screenshots: -- felling timber -- harvesting raddish  -- harvesting more with a cow watching -- feeding chicken, a mini-game -- going through the village in winter -- make your cow feel good ^^

you have a few places, like your farm, the woods, the village, the mountain. you start with your farm as an abandoned place, the fields are full with rocks, twigs and weeds. you have to clean the fields, hoe them, buy seeds, sow, water it, watch it growing, and harvest.
i think there can much be done with tiles changing their frames. durnurd has shown me a good method. (a special counter = mapped tile frame)
i could imagine make the whole thing growing, placing randomly weeds at the acre...
but, i can't make a counter for every tile. hm.
and how would i then realize the four seasons? i already made something like this, but how could i combine this with the many stadiums of the field plants? maybe with the same method from durnurd.

the game's rhythm is from day to day. you have ca. 10 realtime minutes, in which one game day takes place. you start every day in your bed, and when going out of the house, there are some new weeds or rocks, or your crops may have grown. every 30 game days the season has changed, and so the land is covered with snow or is in bloom at springtime.

i would highly appreciate some methods to manipulate tiles not directly through "touchTiles". but maybe one can create a category for "plain field tiles" and make plan rules for that random weeds growing. or a category for "corn", and the rules can tell for each tile alone, whether it changes into a big crop because it had enough water.
this idea i had some months earlier: it would be so nice if one could change with a simple rule two tilesets. that would be so cool to make seasons, or change a normal level into a destroyed level for example.

i just thought about it, i don't want to end the work on Mistraal now. what do you think?

Help, Errors, FAQ / sprite template "ShootInRange"
« on: 2008-03-12, 03:09:30 AM »
this is abouts durnurds sprite template. i found one thing that may be worked over.
the range in which the player must be to activate the shooting script, is calculated so:
this works well with small sprites. the center point of this calculation is x of the sprite, not its center. but the bigger the sprite, the more the range is shifting (optically) to the left.

i tried to fix it, but i failed. this was my script:
maybe this could be fixed and the sprite template be updated. that would be nice.

Help, Errors, FAQ / bouncing
« on: 2008-03-11, 03:11:38 PM »
i have an object which bounces at walls. how can i determine whether it hits a horizontal or vertical wall?

Help, Errors, FAQ / try again option
« on: 2008-03-11, 11:34:39 AM »
here are the facts:
if the player wins on map1, it switches to you-win-map. there's an option "try again". choosing this, the game will load a savegame which was made right after starting the game. before making this savegame, one counter was excluded from save unit. i assumed, when entering map1 again, this counter would stay on its old value. it doesn't work, so i was maybe wrong. right?

(the only thing i am trying to do, is providing a try again option after the end of the game. it would work well with the savegame. but sadly i fade from the start screen (overlay map) over to map1. But that fade-in shouldn't be there if the player starts again. i could maybe save when the fading is done. but in the meantime the player could have moved and would therefore start at another place as at game start. and this is the reason for that one counter i would like to exclude. with it i could manage this all.)

Help, Errors, FAQ / hide mouse cursor
« on: 2008-03-11, 05:02:30 AM »
can i hide the mouse cursor while the game is running?

Help, Errors, FAQ / Priority of dynamic sprites
« on: 2008-03-10, 09:56:16 AM »
i added a thundercloud to my game. it's based on durnurds ShootInRange sprite. it works very well, shooting thunderbolts in all directions. only one thing bothers me: the bolts are always created over the cloud. but i want them to appear behind it. can i affect their priority somehow?

with some custom code i could change the alpha of tiles an a specific layer.
how would i start if i wanted to do the same for sprites?

i don't find the thread right now, here is the code from back then:

Code: [Select]
          int overrideModulation = -1;
       if (this is Spiel_Map.inventory_bg_Lyr)
             overrideModulation = new ColorValue(255,255,255,Counter.AlphaMod2.CurrentValue).ToArgb();

           for (int x = nStartCol; x <= EndCol; x++)
             int[] SubFrames = GetTileFrame(x,y);
             for (int nFrame = 0; nFrame < SubFrames.Length; nFrame++)
               Frame f = m_Frameset[SubFrames[nFrame]];
                spr.Transform = Matrix.Multiply(f.Transform, Matrix.Translation(
                   x * nTileWidth + CurrentPosition.X + ViewRect.X,
                   y * nTileHeight + CurrentPosition.Y + ViewRect.Y, 0));
              spr.Draw(f.GraphicSheetTexture.Texture, f.SourceRect, Vector3.Empty, Vector3.Empty, overrideModulation==-1?f.Color:overrideModulation);

just in case: i know i could do it without creating custom code.

General Discussion / sgdk for rpg/sim-development?
« on: 2008-02-17, 06:48:33 AM »
since i'm quite used to sgdk2 now, and have a little spare time, i think about making rpgs or life sim games.
i now sgdk2 is mainly for sidescrollers, but, really, what is additionally needed to make rpgs? maybe sort of database for storing a lot of variables (messages, story parts, multiple choice messages)? a system to code cutscenes (character A walks to point xy, speaks message nr. 104, the screen blackens and the player wakes up in his bed)?
i am mainly interested in making sort of a harvest moon clone with everything i ever wanted to can do as i played it... a decade ago.  ;)  this is no rpg, but sort of.

is there some interest on your side, blue monk?
what about the others here?

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