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Messages - v6v

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Help, Errors, FAQ / Re: Supported Video Card List
« on: 2013-03-15, 02:45:15 PM »
Never seen this thread! Well I'm having screen flickering issues myself when I run my game, but I'm using some intel tablet with integrated graphics.

Help, Errors, FAQ / Re: Implementing Game Score (Via timer)
« on: 2013-03-13, 03:48:49 PM »
Hi! Welcome to the forums. I'll answer these one by one, slightly out of order.

1. How do I implement C# code into sgdk (I know how to import it, but how do I USE it?)

1. You need to arrange your code in this format.

   [Description("Your method's description")] <- Make sure you have this right before any method declaration.
   public void YourMethod()
         //Your code here..

Add these imports to your .cs file.

using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Collections;

3. How do I display text based counters?
3. If you want to display a text based counter you need a modified version of DrawCounterWithLabel, which I'll make for you now:

Copy and Paste this into PlanBase.cs

Code: [Select]
 [Description("Display a string in the current plan's rectangle")]
   public virtual void DrawString(string Label, System.Drawing.KnownColor color)
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!PlanRectangle.IsEmpty, "DrawCounterAsTile was called on a plan that does not have a rectangle defined");
      if (PlanRectangle.IsEmpty)
      Display disp = ParentLayer.ParentMap.Display;
      disp.DrawText(Label.ToString(), PlanRectangle.Left, PlanRectangle.Top, -540);

This plan rule will draw a string in the plan's rectangle. Just enter it in as "your text here". As far as text based counters go, SGDK2 uses integers. You would have to use your own class or object to represent text based counters as strings.

2. Once the timer is running, I don't want to display the timer, I want to display the score based on time elapsed.

Just use that above method, and put whatever you want to display as ("" + whatevervalue + "")

I think Timer may already have a method that  converts it to a string. (Or not?)

Projects / Re: Project Paradigm
« on: 2013-03-06, 03:05:07 PM »
Just so people don't think that this is dead, I'll post some pretty motivating updates.

There is no download in this post (yet) I apologize for that.

I'm switching to protobuf as my serializer, I've spoken to some other people who have done online gaming in C# and they recommend this.

I've done a huge resources overhaul. Music and multimedia work well.

If anyone knows of a way for me to switch away from SGDK2's usage of OpenGL in Immediate Mode, please share, I'd love to use vertex buffers, because I have a good amount of geometry that needs to be drawn (I've added an option to turn off fancy graphics) I can't say I know anything about OpenGL past GL.Begin(BeginMode.Triangles)

On my system, this means the difference between 45FPS and 18 FPS.

Here are some motivating screenshots. I need to get things done.

I have scrolling text made with adjustable text speed, and the item system works: since players can only hold a certain number of items at any given time, the game prioritizes itself on searching for areas to hide and store items. Checking and examining everything leads you to some pretty interesting discoveries, as most storage areas may blend in the background and yield some interesting items.

The Status area GUI is pretty simple on the eyes, and is nostalgic to the GBC era (My era of gaming) . I don't want something that will force the player to have to strain themselves too much looking at the detail in something so unimportant.
Finally, the game starts off from the start of my first game: formerly Eureka Star, now called Child of Streams 1. You're instantly faced with an onslaught of alien enemies and a boss as soon as you start the game.

It's still going, I'll never quit this.

Help, Errors, FAQ / Re: JIT Debugging
« on: 2013-03-04, 10:53:38 PM »
Thank you! I'll modify things as I need.

Help, Errors, FAQ / Re: JIT Debugging
« on: 2013-03-04, 01:22:24 PM »
I missed something, where's the link to the source? (For the most recent version)

I have Visual Studio 2012, I didn't know there was a link to the source of the latest SGDK2IDE.

(Then again, I could have just ran it through something like a reflector?)  ;)

Help, Errors, FAQ / JIT Debugging
« on: 2013-03-04, 04:00:08 AM »
I want to fix some issues that I'm having within the IDE, and to debug SGDK2IDE I would need to build SGDK2 with JIT debugging enabled as well as adding

< jitDebugging="true" />

to the configuration.

..From what an exception window tells me.

Could you build SGDK2 with debugging enabled, bluemonkmn?

EDIT: Fixed the issue (If you have a frameset that appears first in the frameset dropdown with a frame size larger than 1024, you'll get an exception when trying to create a new tileset)
But I was just lucky this time, I might have an issue in the future that I might need to fix. Could you still build it with debugging enabled? :)

Help, Errors, FAQ / Re: SGDK2 through WinRT Issues
« on: 2013-03-01, 03:15:16 PM »
Clicked only returns true for one frame, then returns false. (There's the issue)

My project is over anyways. Instead, I'd like to continue this as portfolio filler.

I have one entire week to finish my games now, college spring break.

Help, Errors, FAQ / Re: SGDK2 through WinRT Issues
« on: 2013-02-09, 03:22:44 PM »
It looks like ismousebuttonpressed isn't supported in HTML5?

I need a function that checks if the left mouse button (Or touch input) is being held down, and "clicked" only seems to return true only once..

Why exactly isn't mouse input handled well in HTML5?

It also says SetInputState is untested, mind if I test it out a bit?

Help, Errors, FAQ / Re: SGDK2 through WinRT Issues
« on: 2013-02-07, 07:18:25 PM »
Glorious. It fixed it! Thanks for the homework help.

So SGDK2 is officially a Windows 8 game maker... in a way.

HTML5 is showing remarkable use for game development.

Hey goodbye! Question I want to ask, were you a Game Design major?

I liked the shooter inside of the circuitbox themed map, do you have a site?

Help, Errors, FAQ / Re: SGDK2 through WinRT Issues
« on: 2013-02-07, 11:39:10 AM »
I remember using the viewport property back when I was designing small hobby websites for the Nintendo DSi in 2009, and it restricted the view well on the Opera Mini browsers, but on desktop browsers, although it kept everything in the area designated by the viewport value (If that value was an int instead of device-width) it would fill the unused space with the html background image/background color.

The entire meta tag seems to be ignored..

I know this has to be SGDK2 because my css file was instructed to fill the background with a non black color- SGDK2 seems to fill the entire screen and is responsible for the black space I'm stuck with..

I wish there was a way to scale the <canvas> directly..

Help, Errors, FAQ / Re: SGDK2 through WinRT Issues
« on: 2013-02-06, 06:41:15 PM »
That's just it, the graphic is 1024 by 768, the same size as the resolution I set...

It should be filling the screen entirely, shouldn't it?

Help, Errors, FAQ / Re: SGDK2 through WinRT Issues
« on: 2013-02-06, 10:50:00 AM »

Those are the lines of code that I tried, as well.

Look at the side of the screen, where the cursor repeats, that's what I mean.

As for export to metro, the main difference between a regular SGDK2 HTML5 application and a Win 8 HTML5 application from what I see seem to be an additional external css file and references to WinRT JS in the HTML header, as well as an Xaml file with a unique application ID and other application properties, more resembling Android's application config XML file than DotNet's app.config .

I believe Game Maker and Construct's Export buttons export a project directly to consideration by Microsoft in an html5 windows store format, prompting you for a developer license ID, but this is unnecessary, because they both assume that you've debugged the games under PC before exporting. SGDK2 could just export it for debugging on the user's system as a Windows app without submitting.

If the user was running SGDK2 in Win8, it could be done, the only part I don't get is how you would tell SGDK2 to deploy it- or where the user would search for it to deploy it themselves. I can't seem to find a single Metro app  in the filesystem, and the are usually installed for me when I press F5 in Blend or Visual Studio 11.. I'm not sure if SGDK2 would be able to allow you to build for Windows Store/Metro seeing as I had to obtain a developer license from them just to run my own games (Only licensed developers can run Metro applications that aren't pre approved by Microsoft, thanks to their new security model - whatever this means..)

It would probably take a large amount of hacking and Microsoft could file a cease and desist, so thinking about it now, it doesn't seem as good of an idea as it seemed yesterday..

Of course it could just be integrated, if a person already has VS 11 or Blend, SGDK2 could just generate an html file with appropriate html header in the same directory with a Windows Store project overwriting the default html file generated for a windows store html app, there would be no conflicts there.

I like that option, actually.

Help, Errors, FAQ / SGDK2 through WinRT Issues
« on: 2013-02-05, 09:25:10 PM »
Made a game for a class project for SGDK2 (I've been so busy working on graded games that I can't even work my own), ported it to windows 8 as a metro application running with html5 under winrt and it ran great.

The problem is, it didn't fill the entire screen. There was a portion of the map that wasn't drawn to, despite the resolution.

So I've been looking into the SGDK2 code for html5 projects, how exactly is the screen size handled?

I've set the canvas that html5 draws to into a viewbox container div,

The viewbox scales the entire game, but doesn't remove the undrawn space, and scales that too. This leads me to believe it may be SGDK2 related.

Is there a better way to scale the canvas by a preset factor? Resolutions don't seem to mean much in HTML5 Export.

Has anyone here touched Windows 8? It's remarkably easy to convert a SGDK2 game to a metro app, inside of VS 11 or VS Blend.

Added to that, Scrilla (Typo?) Construct has an export to Windows 8 Metro feature. This could be added easily to SGDK2, right?

Projects / Re: Manic the Hedgehog
« on: 2012-12-11, 08:27:49 PM »
Is it acting funny?

A month ago, I tried to switch from a virtual server running on their main server to their main server, because the uptime jumps from 70 percent to 99 percent (The server maintenance team told me themselves but I'm not so sure)

It's supposed to have 20 percent more uptime at the (expense of not supporting Java/RubyonRails) than the last server I hosted my website on- but this obviously isn't true now

It's a shame too, because half of my game will depend on my webhost for looking up other online players.

I've had some people offer me usage of their server, but I'm going to look into the world of dedicated hosting eventually. There isn't anything reliable at the moment for free, and I can't afford anything, even though my expectations are so small, this is the only host that doesn't put a cap on bandwidth or CPU usage, but their reliability is terrible.

I'm terribly sorry. It's not anything important anyways, I wanted to share what little I had made in HTML5.

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