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Messages - bluemonkmn

Pages: 1 ... 182 183 [184] 185
General Discussion / Themes
« on: 2005-03-29, 06:44:27 AM »
Well, I don't have time to go theme hunting right now, but if someone wants to suggest something that I can just drop into place, I'll consider it.

Help/FAQ / Reasoning
« on: 2005-03-28, 06:59:21 AM »
The purpose if the function that adds 1 to isNotShooting is to "notice" when you stop shooting.  As long as you continue to shoot, you will continue to use up these items faster than they can be replenished, but once you stop pressing the button, the function in question will allow the count of isNotShooting to get back up to 3, and when that happens the other function can activate that switches the sprite back to the non-shooting state.

Help/FAQ / more sprite problems
« on: 2005-03-25, 06:26:35 AM »
Please continue this discussion on the same thread as before.  I don't see the point in copying the old thread as a new one.

Help/FAQ / change player state when shooting
« on: 2005-03-25, 06:24:51 AM »
Can you think of anything in your project/design that would cause the player sprite to be deleted?  The only thing I can think of is the "Delete old sprite" checkbox on the switch to sprite function.  But that should never leave the sprite completely gone because it should always be creating a new sprite at the same time... unless maybe you switched to the same sprite that you are deleting.

Help/FAQ / changing music clips with special functions
« on: 2005-03-24, 07:00:17 AM »
Basically I think you just need to use change music commands instead of play/stop clip commands and things will work out better for you.  Change music is right below start/stop clip.

Script / Graph
« on: 2005-03-24, 06:30:51 AM »
Actually there is kind of a graph/tree on the main help contents page.  It doesn't show all the ways you can access one object from another, but it does show the basic structure of objects in GameDev.

Off-Topic / Strange
« on: 2005-03-23, 06:01:16 AM »
All the forum titles are always underlined for me.

Script / Scripting wizard
« on: 2005-03-22, 08:01:40 PM »
The scripting wizard has this built in!

Script / Count down time and Nitrous boost expiration after use
« on: 2005-03-22, 06:37:37 AM »
Can't download the file -- it's not found or something.

Script / Bumpers
« on: 2005-03-22, 06:26:20 AM »
How are you planning on making a tile work like a bumper?  If it's with script, you can control how they behave so that 3 tiles don't cause the player to "bump" 3 times as fast, just make sure you don't exceed a certain speed when changing the sprite's velocity.

Not sure if I have the artistic skill to change the new post icon -- I'll try -- maybe Orion Pax will have an idea.

Script / Nitrous boost
« on: 2005-03-20, 07:21:19 AM »
Actually I don't think you need script for this because you could switch to a sprite whose max speed is higher and use special functions and inventory to control how long that lasts before another function is activated that switches you back to the normal sprite.  But to implement it in script, you just need to have another counter to check in OnAfterMoveSprites; when it times out, you set the MoveSpeed back to 10.

It should be very easy to represent the countdown as a bar -- you already have it.  Just make a global function that subtracts 1 from it every frame.  You really don't need script for that.

Also, I see that you are using an Alter Inventory type function with your nitro boost -- why not just set the function to use 1 "Speed Boost" item.  Then it will automatically not activate if you don't have any, and the action of the function can be "Raise Event" or whatever you want.

I think the only way to do this without making each crate a sprite is by scripting the check to see if the crates have been hit.  Running into the crates with the player is easy to do without scripting and paths, but checking if they've been shot would be more complicated.  I don't know why you would have gotten an error adding a bunch of paths, though.  If you want to try to figure that one out, I could probably help.

Help/FAQ / Background Music After Load
« on: 2005-03-16, 06:35:37 PM »
Background music is triggered when switching to a map.  Apparently the current design doesn't see loading a game as switching to a map but just picking up where you left off.  There are a couple ways around this:
  • Put functions at the save points that activate constantly and have the background music clip associated with them.  I'm not sure whether it would work better to set the function to "Play clip" or to "Change music" on that clip.  But the idea is, if the music is already playing it will simply continue to play (as long as you don't have "Allow interrupt/restart" checked), otherwise it will begin playing.  So when you come back after loading a saved game and happen to be touching the function, the music will start up as a result of touching the function.  I would say to associate the clip with your save function, but hopefully your save function is set to activate only on initial touch, and I don't know if it would be triggered after a load (because you were already touching the function when you saved).
  • Have your save functions switch to another map instead of saving (and check the box for "Remember Old Map").  This other map will be the central point for saving games (you could have a menu with multiple save slots there).  On this map you will have the save function activate a series of functions: first transport the player sprite to a special location on the map and second, save the game.  The special location on the map should switch to the old map with "<Return to old map>".  Part of returning to the old map should implicitly activate the music for that map.  For a sample of this method of saving games from a separate map (and multiple save slots) see the Game Academy Demo project in the project listing.

I recommend the second solution -- it's cleaner and more powerful I think.

Off-Topic / hello
« on: 2005-03-15, 08:24:07 PM »
Nothing drastic will happen to the old one -- it will continue to exist and hopefully not get too many new posts, but people can just go back to refer to it or whatever if they want.  But it will start behaving differently in 5 days (got an extra day free due to downtime) because the gold membership will expire.  I will still check it periodically -- probably as often as I check this forum even (at least for a while).  I still check the sourceforge forums just about as often as I was checking the EZBoard forums.

General Discussion / Good effort
« on: 2005-03-15, 07:02:56 AM »
It was a good effort durnurd.  I couldn't have done better myself, and I would have used it.  But it looks like we're fortunate enough to have a pro here to which nobody can compare ;).  Thanks, "Pax"!

At least you get the little light bulb above your "Pum"s head, durnurd  :idea: :)

Hm... this is probably the first anyone has heard of the name of that creature.

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